Fact – Remember that SUPER-MEGA-CONDUCTOR-OVEN we were talking about? It’s kinda real. 😬 The interor of your vehicle actually heats up hotter and faster than the outside temperature which can add 20 degrees or more inside your vehicle in less than 10 minutes..
The simple explanation:
The sun emits energy that is absorbed by all the stuff in your car like the dashboard, which gets reflected back into the car and heats up the interior air ultra-rapidly.
The technical explanation:
The sun emits energy mostly in the form of shortwave radiation, which goes right through the glass of a car window. The sun’s shortwave radiation is absorbed by the surfaces inside the car such as the upholstery, the dashboard, and the steering wheel. These surfaces in the car then re-radiate the energy, but in the form of longwave (infrared) radiation. This heats up the air inside the car rapidly by convection and conduction. Since the windows are closed, the heat can’t escape. Longwave radiation can’t pass through windows as easily as shortwave radiation. Like the Greenhouse Effect, the heat gets trapped inside the car, turning temperatures inside the car from comfortably cool to dangerously hot and deadly in minutes.
Click image to see how fast a vehicle interior can heat up!